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February Birthstone

February Birthstone Jewellery 

Discover February birthstone here - amethyst.

Amethyst is a beautiful violet variety of quartz. These gemstones come from many countries, notably Brazil, Russia, Zambia, and the USA. Amethysts often occur in large geodes (hollow, circular rocks) within volcanic rocks.

What is the meaning of amethyst?

The name amethyst comes from Greek words meaning “not intoxicate” as it was believed that such stones protect the wearer from drunkenness. This gemstone is linked to qualities of peace, courage, and stability.

Amethysts in History

For many years, amethysts were as highly valued as diamonds and even favoured by royalty. It is the stone of St Valentine and faithful love and signifies ecclesiastical dignity as the Bishop’s Stone.

Tibetans consider amethyst sacred to the Buddha and make prayer beads from it.